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2011 Per-truck Revenue Climbs by 10%

TransCore’s second annual Carrier Benchmark Survey shows that to date in 2011, carriers’ monthly revenue was on average $1,607, or 10%, higher per truck than in 2010.

TransCore says the 10% revenue increase corresponded with a 10% uptick in per-mile rates. The survey also found that for-hire carriers who used load boards for 30 – 60% of their loads saw monthly revenues rise by an additional $1,378, or 7.7%, per truck compared to 2010.

Additional highlights of the survey include:

* For-hire carriers found 20 percent more of their freight on load boards in 2011 than in 2010.

* The average length of haul declined 2.6 percent year over year, from 903 to 880 miles one way.

*Empty miles declined in 2011 by an average of 1.0 percent.

TransCore’s Carrier Benchmark Survey is based on responses from more than 600 for-hire carriers, owner-operators and asset-based broker/carriers, during the summer of 2011.

The full survey report is available free of charge at

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Emil Estafanous, CPA, CFF, CGMA